***We are expecting a new calf this fall! Please message me to join the interest list for our herd share, expecting to start back up in September 2024. Thank you for your support of local farms!***
We are excited to announce the Iris Farms Herd Share! Farm Fresh milk is now available to your family through the purchase of a share of the herd!
Here's how it works:
Q: What is a herd share? A: A herd share gives you legal ownership to a portion of the herd, and therefore ownership to the milk produced by the herd!
Q: Do I have to do the milking myself, or care for the cow in any way? A: Nope! All milking and care is provided by Iris Farms.
Q: I am so tired of spending a fortune on raw milk! Will I save some money purchasing a share? A: In the short term, no. In the long run, yes! Caring for a cow is a tremendous amount of work and expense, and your investment in the herd share reflects that. Your participation in the herd share - just like a farmer's decision to raise and grow their own food - is about more than cost savings. It is about knowing where your food comes from, being connected with the animal that provides your food, knowing the animal is treated with the upmost care and quality of life, supporting a local farm, and having access to the freshest milk possible!
Q: How much does it cost? A: Your initial buy-in to the herd is $30 per share. This is a one-time expense that makes you a legal owner to the herd. This is the ticket that gives you legal access to the milk! Plus a $10 deposit for each jar you use (your best bet is to just return your jar each time you come pick up your milk. That way, you only make one jar deposit). After that, you pay a boarding fee (for the feeding and care of the animal) of $72 per month, per share. This gives you access to 4 gallons of milk per month (The equivalent of $18/gallon - we will always try to keep this expense competitive with purchasing raw milk at a store!) Payment is due on the first of each month.
Q: How many shares can I purchase? A: There are 10 shares available, and you may purchase as many as you'd like. Remember, 1 share = 4 gallons/month. You may also purchase a half share, if you're only interested in 2 gallons of milk per month.
Q: How do I get the milk? A: Porch pick up at the farm, Monday - Thursday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. You choose your pick-up day. If you need a Saturday pick up, that can be arranged.
Q: Will I also have access to butter and yogurt? A: From time to time, we may have additional items available for porch pick-up, if you are participating in the herd share! They are priced separately. Butter is $8 for 8 oz. and yogurt is $5 for 8 oz.
Interested in joining the herd share? Send us a message through the Contact Page, or text / call 714-381-1281.